Return to the Fall 2019 Newsletter Fall 2019 Newsletter: Message from the President![]() Dear AAOM Colleagues, After a long and warm summer, the fall temperatures are finally upon us and our students are heading off for Fall Break. I am writing to update you on activities this past summer and early fall. Of important note: The deadline is rapidly approaching for close of the 60-day public comment period for our application for specialty recognition by the National Commission on Recognition of Dental Specialties and Certifying Boards. Thank you to the many of you who have submitted supportive comments and brought this comment opportunity to the attention of your patients and professional colleagues so they also could provide additional information for the review process. I would like to recognize the tireless efforts of Dr. Craig S. Miller, and the assistance of Dr. Eric T. Stoopler and Dr. Nathaniel S. Treister for helping to coordinate internal and editorial review of the application documents. Those of you who are diplomates who received status before June 2009 and are seeking recertification are likely well on the way of submitting your application attesting to the more than 35 CE points acquired in the last three years, the recertification exam fee of $350, as well as studying for (or have already taken as this is to be completed this year) your multiple choice exam with portions including salivary glands/mucosal disease, oral radiology, medically compromised, pharmacology, laboratory testing, orofacial pain and oral pathology. Dr. Andres Pinto has designed an outstanding program for our Fall CE meeting titled, “Improving Outcomes in Orofacial Pain: A Team Sport,” which will be held on Saturday, November 9, 2019, in Cleveland, OH, at Case Western Reserve University/Cleveland Clinic in the newly built Sheila and Eric Samson Pavilion. A campus welcome will be delivered by Dr. Andres Pinto, Dr. Milda Chmieliauskaite, and Dr. Craig Hatch. Speakers include interprofessional colleagues and Academy members Dr. Kentaro Ikeda, Dr. Arwa M. Farag, Dr. Eric T. Stoopler, and Dr. Dharti Patel. We are looking forward to seeing you all in Cleveland! As young members are the life-blood or our Academy—in addition to the new Formal Mentorship program for young members—the Executive Committee has been discussing the best configuration for establishing a new Predoctoral Students committee, to be initially led by Dr. Kentaro Ikeda, so we can more strongly and widely promote the specialty to undergraduate dental students. The Oral Cancer Task Force under the leadership of Dr. A. Ross Kerr is being rejuvenated along with creation of a new Task Force on Expanding Scope with Dr. Alessandro Villa, Dr. John Robinson, Dr. Craig S. Miller and Dr. Eric T. Stoopler. Dr. Vidya Sankar shared her expertise with the public in an interview on the topic of aphthous stomatitis for the very popular lifestyle publication Real Simple. This September, the 8th World Workshop on Oral Health and Disease in AIDS met in Bali Indonesia. Tourism is critical to the economy of this beautiful island in the Indian Ocean. After two days in transit, I served as Chair of the workshop, "Clinical Science 2—Oral Candidiasis," and presented in the Educational Program on Dental Treatment of Patients with HIV Infection. Dr. Newell Johnson (Australia) served as Chair of the workshop, "Clinical Science 1—HPV and Oral Cancer." The workshop and educational program were attended by 640 international and local oral medicine and public health delegates from 36 different countries. WW8 Faculty judges from left to right along with student poster and oral presentation winners: In preparation for our 75th anniversary, Dr. Martin T. Tyler, Dr. Craig S. Miller, Dr. Peter B. Lockhart and I are preparing the March 2020 Triple O editorial from the Oral Medicine section to provide a historical view at the Academy and its accomplishments. Keep your eyes open! Finally, our 2020 Annual Conference will be held April 29–May 2, 2020 at the Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress in Orlando, FL. This will be a remarkable scientific meeting with an interwoven celebration of our 75th Anniversary as an Academy. Dr. Arwa M. Farag, Dr. Kentaro Ikeda, and Dr. Craig Hatch have been busy leading a team organizing the meeting and special anniversary events. Please mark your calendar to join us for the camaraderie that our Academy has been known for over the past three-quarters of a century! Special thanks to Dr. Juan M. Bugueno for his continuing efforts to oversee this newsletter that keeps our membership informed of member and academy activities and accomplishments. Wishing you a wonderful fall and upcoming holiday season! Dr. Lauren L. Patton |